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Distribute the Plugin


In Reach every plugin must have a globally unique Plugin Id - no matter if it's a global plugin or not.

Publish the Plugin to a Single Subscription#

Working on the plugin with the npm run dev command will only make the plugin available for you.

In order to make the plugin available for all users it has to be published to a subscription:

npm run publish-web

This will open your default Reach subscription in a new browser tab with the plugin loaded. Now you can review the plugin and verify that everything works as expected.

If you are an owner in the subscription you can publish the plugin. Publishing the plugin will automatically write the changes to the database, making the plugin available for all users within the subscription.


It's also possible to switch the subscription and publish the plugin to another one.

Publish in a CI/CD Job#

If the plugin should be published as part of a CI/CD job the npm run publish command can be used. This requires a Reach API key. Please contact our support to obtain such a key.

npm run publish production <reach-api-key>

Manage Installed Plugins#

You can see a list of all plugins installed on your subscription by navigating to /admin/plugins. You can change settings and remove plugins in this list. The changes you do here only affect the current subscription. If you edit and save, the changes will be available to all users immediately.

Global Plugins#

Your definition.json file can have an optional field isGlobal. If this is omitted or set to false your published plugin will only be available to users in the current subscription.

If you set isGlobal to true any subscription owner can link this plugin to their subscription by using the plugin id. However only you will be able to update the javascript code or the extensions for the plugin. Other subscriptions can only override settings.

Linking a Global Plugin to your subscription#

A subscription owner can link a global plugin to their subscription in one of two ways:

  • run $ npm run link-to-subscription
  • by navigating to /admin/plugins clicking the Add new plugin button and providing the Plugin Id.

The plugin settings can be overwritten for each subscription that has the plugin linked.

For example if you install a global plugin which contains these settings:

color: "black"

you can then in your own subscription replace them with something else:

color: "yellow"

This can either be done by specifying specific settings in a definition.json file and then calling the link-to-subscription command or by updating them directly in Reach under /admin/plugins.